hip and cool!...No..not me silly.I'm sorry to tell you I was not accosted on the street and given a fantastic makeover...dag nab it.
A Savers opened up closer to my home this week and early Saturday morning...I went armed with my to-go coffee from 7-11 (you can't save money by shopping at a Thrift store, if you stop by Starbucks first for you 6 dollar Venti Mint Mocha, now can you?). After scanning the store I came across this poor crystal lamp with the icky brass all over it....bleck..bleck..bleck! The entire thrift store experience is something that has definitely ...grown on me. The first time I attempted to enter a thrift store....Well...lets just say there are not enough Mint Mochas in the world to help me tolerate THAT smell. I have to say though..that it seems..... I have become a transformed thrift store shopper and it didn't hurt.... that since this was a brand new store..it didn't have THAT smell . I seem to spend a great deal of time these days reading blogs where the most amazing women transform the most unattractive items...and give them a whole new life, simply armed with a can of Oil Rubbed Bronze spray paint,
Gorilla Glue and some burlap.
So...with all of their incredible inspiration and helpful step by step tutorials..I felt ready to tackle the lamp. I took the poor thing home and stared it down for a day. Sunday morning I awoke feeling courageous enough to jump in. My husband...gave me a couple of "what the heck are you doing" looks and went about his day, smart man that he is.
I did run into a snag though...so..off to Mom's I went (Mom's the most famous do-it yourselfer I personally know) to help me figure out the light bulb thingy. After which, I went home to continue dissecting the victim ....er.....I mean lamp.
I sprayed the little guy with a couple of coats of .99 cent flat black spray paint and finished it all off with the Oil Rubbed Bronze spray paint I have developed a relationship with....Warning: Don't stand still to long around me.
Later that night..I reassembled my brand spankin new to me lamp. I borrowed the black lamp shade from another lamp, which is currently sitting naked and alone. I do have plans to add a burlap shade to this lamp though, but for now..I'm kind of loving this.
Thanks so much for visiting. I would love to know what you think.
Icky brass to