My daughter Courtney, wanted to go with a white butterfly theme for my granddaughter Emma's nursery. On her baby shower list was a butterfly chandelier from Pottery Barn. 

Courtney's grandmother decided she would be happy to order one for Emma's nursery...but when it arrived and she opened it to reveal that it was simply paper butterflies....she sadly sent it back. A few days later, we went into the Pottery Barn Kids store to have a closer look. The butterflies were actually just simply plain white paper..and I knew I could make it...easily. The hard part though, was figuring out what I would use for the ring. My mom, the original Do it Yourselfer came up with the idea to use the inside ring of a window visor. You know the one that you place in your windshield to keep the sun out of your car...the one that twists and folds up?. We simnply cut the fabric off to reveal the metal ring....Boy oh boy, I hope that makes sense...The rest was a piece of cake. Courtney is a Stampin' Up rep and Stampin' Up has the perfect Sizzix Butterfly die. All I had to do was get cracking and cut out a bazillion butterflies! Fishing line was used to string the cross bars on the ring, which had been spray painted white. To attach the butterflies, I used a very fine, clear, elastic jewelry cord, from Michael's tying them on at varying lengths and voila! For...under five dollars...
I come pretty darn close to knocking off PB's $100.00 Butterfly chandelier! The butterflies on the wall were cut out with the same Stampin' Up Sizzix Die and Wall Pops. White contact paper would work just as well. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to let me know.